What to Expect
Professional Therapists
Treatments take place in a shared consulting room and are conducted by both male and female practitioners. All the professional therapists are fully qualified and insured with a proven track record of experience in their field of expertise.
Dedication to Service
At the end of each treatment, which may take between 25 - 40 minutes, everyone is asked to fill in a feedback form to help us monitor progress and improve our services. This confidential information is anonymous and the statistics are produced quarterly for the Trustees of the Charity.

Number of Visits
Findings indicate that on average clients attend the Centre for eight sessions. Visits may be weekly, every fortnight or once a month. Some people attend from diagnosis, throughout their medical treatment and after recovery which may amount to over a hundred visits.
Place of Sanctuary
Regardless of the number of visits made to the Centre, every client receives the same high standard of treatment. It is clear that for many people the Centre has become a place of sanctuary, at possibly one of their most personally challenging times in life.
Following treatment many clients report feeling more relaxed, have increased energy levels, an improved quality of life and reduced feelings of isolation. Others develop a more positive attitude and outlook towards recovery. Naturally, the benefits experienced also have a favourable effect on the people closest to them, which helps everyone to cope so much better.